Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Self - Help

It seems that blogging has fallen by the wayside over the last while - sorry. First it was the trip to Vic, then exams, then playing rockband 2 with all my spare minutes - I can only do so much ya know? Anyway, my last exam is tomorrow, which means it would only be natural that rather than studying I would be facebooking and blogging. I mean, what else would I be doing? Other than cleaning my house, reorganizing my DVD collection and, well, playing rockband 2. I tell ya, exam week is fabulous for getting things done.

In any event, I would like to formally announce via the Great Internet Machine that I am making my debut on the stage! I was cast in a Norm Foster play called 'Self-Help'. The Terrace Little Theatre is putting it on under the direction of Chris Stone and I am very excited to be a part of it. It is being performed at the McColl Playhouse on May 21, 22, 23, 28, 29 30 and June 4, 5, 6. Ya, I know right? NINE shows. It might just kill me. But I wouldn't know would I, as I am a theatre virgin.

If you are in Terrace, tickets are being sold at Uniglobe or at the door.

If you're not in Terrace, then you can just suck it.

1 comment:

  1. So will it be recorded so you can share with your family and friends?


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